Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Malaysia Day Malaysians!

"I believe all of you still owe me another 2 posts for the blog" said Mdm. Shahniza. We were like whuuuuuuut? D:
Yup, nobody said you could skip a post just because you don't have classes last Monday. Aww Okay okay I'll update the blog, 2 posts don't bite anyway  x'(

Hmm...soooo....what happened last Monday eh?
Lemme see...ah yes, I was at Segamat, a small town located in the north of the state of Johor. It's the place where my mum was born and raised  ( ^-^)v

My family and I were there since last Friday because my mum had an appointment that was kinda important and it can no longer be postponed. We had breakfast before heading back to the hustle and bustle of the city  at about 3pm.  Weee.

So that's about it. I shall publish another post in a bit regarding netcentric...*gulps*
And thanks again for yr time, peace out~


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